About the programme

ClusterXChange Mobility Scheme aims to facilitate the creation of a common space to address the main challenges of the Fashion sector from a cross-sectorial perspective and to identify potential business opportunities.

During the Fashion ClusterXChange Programme will be organised minimum 100 short-term exchanges between targeted members of clusters located in other countries

The programme aims to:

  • Facilitate the exchanges of experiences and best practices among SMEs and cluster.
  • Create synergies among different stakeholders
  • Establish new Cooperation Agreements among SMEs.
  • Strengthen the collaboration among clusters and SMEs.

Funding and eligibility

  • Contribution funding: lump sum available for visitors for travel and accomodation expenses
  • Period of stay: exchanges can last from three working days up to one month
  • Eligibility: participants (visitors) can be clusters, SMEs, scaling-up support organisations, large companies, public companies
  • Financial contribution: up to a maximum of EUR 1 100 per visiting organisation

How to apply

Register through the ClusterXchange IT Tool (https://clusterxchange.clustercollaboration.eu/)

Beneficiaries can express their interest or questions at contact@clothproject.eu.